Thursday, May 23, 2024

Unbelievable but true: Taylor Swift is related to a king of France


cousin famous king
The American Idol ar is the distant cousin of a famous king of France, according to a site specializing in genealogy.

Taylor Swift began the European part of her Eras Tour on Thursday evening and literally set the Défense Arena in Paris on fire. With a 3h15 show, marked by 45 songs, the American Idol amazed the 45,000 people who came to cheer him. Our review of this crazy concert can also be read on While she has proven to the French public that she is well established at the top of pop, the opportunity is perfect to take an interest in the French genealogical origins of Taylor Swift. Because yes, the artist with multiple records has family ties with a king of France, cousin famous king…

Taylor Swift set La Défense Arena in Paris on fire: 3h15 of breathtaking show and thrills

It was the My Heritage site, specializing in genealogy, which revealed what links united Taylor Swift to France, and more precisely to French royalty. The site team conducted some research on the family of the American artist and discovered that she had “a distant relationship” with King Louis XIV. Just that ! Of course, we have to go back a long way – to aristocratic England in the 14th century – to find traces of common ancestors between Taylor Swift and the Sun King. The common ancestors are Michael de la Pole, 2nd Earl of Suffolk, and his wife Katherine Stafford, according to My Heritage.

”For American Idol Taylor Swift, it was in the 17th century that her English ancestors left for the American colonies and settled in Massachusetts, before moving to Pennsylvania a few generations later. On Louis XIV's side, it was an English lady, Margaret de la Pole, who married a count of Béarn (in the southwest of France) in the 15th century. Her great-granddaughter, Anne Jagiellon, will be Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and her granddaughter is none other than Marie de Medici, the paternal grandmother of Louis XIV,” describes the specialized site.

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